1. Sign up for a competition/race
3. Bet other things like housework or movie tickets
4. Share your success socially
5. Make a video diary
6. Make your own rewards program for hitting your targets or
join a facility/studio that offers rewards for attendance (sweat rebates)
7. Visualization (5 min a day)
8. Take photos to track progress (once a week)
9. Do it to raise money for charity
10. Complete programs (longer term) vs go to a class
11. Sleep in your workout clothes for am workout
12. Shut down electronics during your sweat session
13. Use a fitness tracker app or site (logs exercise and
food intake) that lets others see your progress
14. Vent in a journal about your feelings
15. Sign a contract: write out workouts, seek end goals, tie
rewards in
16. Hire a trainer
17. Find a burn buddy
18. Set some of your own simple fitness rules that you can
effectively use like "I will attend 3 times a week for 30 minutes and
stick to full body workouts that allow me to maximize my energy and keep me in
19. Set up a simple home gym just to have ready in case you
miss a class due to scheduling
20. Buy some new workout clothes. Look good, feel good
(enclothed cognition)
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