Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tips To Jump Start Your Fitness Again...

Maybe you have been enjoying some time off (and you are suppose to) or maybe you got lost in it all and now you are feeling overwhelmed and GUILTY. Either way you will at some point need to jump start back into fitness. This is your best move. It builds character, puts you in the driver seat again, and of course is the best thing you can do for your well-being.

I one looks forward to the dreaded "first session back" idea. It is a real painful experience. Did you think about that when you joined the witness protection program? You know that program that took you as far away from the gym as possible.

Wherever you are at in the world it is time to recommit some time to your sweat sessions. Part of my mission is to inspire people (where ever you are) to keep fitness at the forefront of your life. Because fitness gives you so much more than you give it.

Here are some tips to jump start your fitness again:

1. Announce it. When you make your commitment, tell people. This rallies your support system. Maybe you will find a burn buddy! You are 3 times more likely to achieve success on a fitness program if you have a buddy (recent 24 Hour Fitness study).

2. Prepare.
There are many things you can do to prepare. Start by eliminating anything that can threaten your success. Clean out your fridge and cupboards and replace them with healthy, performance supporting foods. View 7 key workout foods! You may also be surprise what a new gym outfit and new pair of kicks might spark.

3. Develop SMART goals. Without goals what do you have? Goals make your fitness activities tangible and worthwhile. Read more on goal setting!

4. Use a well rounded approach. There are so many options available to you. Find your foundational approach (the one you like) and be sure to add other programs to fill in the gaps.

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