Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Happy NOW Year...

I'll wait for the new year...

I have a new year plan... (yah right)

I'll take the winter off and start in the spring...

I'm too busy with the holidays...

Do you believe all of this nonsense?

When it comes to balance you really need to dial in a little. Your life depends on it. Are you taking care of #1? You must think differently. Push forward as everyone else holds back.

It's time...
It's time to focus on fitness...

It's time to upgrade your nutritional plan...

It's time to create balance in your life (body, mind, and spirit)...

It's time to update your resume rather than hide in your cubicle and let someone else decide for you...

It's time to put that business plan together and set a real timetable for launching it...

It's time to book that trip to that place you only dream of...

Create tangible "Now" Year resolutions this time and work on them for the WHOLE year. Quit thinking about resolutions you will do later. It is inherent procrastination. Start now and work through the whole year!

This Year: a book of fitness
...try a new sport that can challenge you
...ramp up your workouts with RHF
...take a yoga or pilates class

...learn to cook new clean meals

...get a detailed plan for your finances and work them to a tee (be fiscally fit this year)

Get ahead of those who want to pause and reflect way too long (and get fat of course).

Think about your future, and your family's future. Your good health is your true wealth. Fitness is the fuel to your future.

Reflect on the past yah...


Create major momentum and succeed going forward. Live in the now.

Avoid being another SUCKA who procrastinates and RESET your fitness plan today.

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