Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Simple Fitness Concept to Catapult You...

I get asked a lot about the secrets to longevity in fitness in pursuit of quality of life.

(I have been doing this steadily and successfully for 24 years).

There are plenty of fit formulas out there and plenty of talent in the industry to help you. Whether you hear it from me or hear it from a fellow fitness fanatic you need to hear it (again). We often need reminders nothing more.

It comes down to one word...


Consistency in how you move. You have as much energy as you use.

Consistency in what (and when) you consume. Your biology is your biography.

Consistency in how you recover from workouts. Recovery catapults future workouts.

Master these ACTIONS and you will be fitter and live a high quality of life.

We all desire quality of life.

Just make sure you put yourself in a position to deserve it by acting on your desire.

3 Reasons You Might Be Struggling With Progress In Your Fitness Plan...

Fight For Your Fitness...
Do you even have a fitness plan?

You absolutely need to set clear end goals that include weekly action targets that you can hit. A fitness pro can help you get clear on what you really want to achieve with your fitness.

Do you know how to properly recover from structured workout programs (with momentum)?

Proper recovery is vital for your fitness progress. There are lots of concepts to consider using to maximize your recovery. Work/rest ratios, workout recovery windows, staggering your workouts, working around injuries, active rest, massage, and foam rolling are all concepts (tools) that a fitness pro can use to help push you along in your fitness journey (think long term…think lifestyle)

Do you know how to jump over unforeseen hurdles with scheduling?

Often times our weekly schedules go wacky. How will you combat this? Who will hold you accountable? A fitness pro can hold you accountable and keep you on track with your earned momentum (your workouts provide the momentum not your thoughts or wishful thinking). Sense of accomplishment breeds momentum which breeds more accomplishment.

Why You Should Exercise Each Week...

It is important for you to exercise each week where ever it may be...
  • Stops and starts diminish the training effect (which is a compounding effect), also affects trainer's ability to program you effectively
  • Muscle can go stagnant (sedentary build up) usually starting around 72 hours
  • Any gains may be lost with lack of consistency in your training frequency
  • Lack of exercise leads to a host of bad habits starting with poor nutrition choices and sloppy sleep/rest cycles