Wednesday, March 29, 2017

No More B.S...

4 ideas to help you on your fitness journey...

1. Create support internally. You can tolerate any "how" with a "why." Identify all the reasons you want to start a fitness plan. Write them all down to make them tangible. Post them everywhere you can so they stay at top of mind (I don't mean put post it notes everywhere). Create a dream board. Meditate on your desires and the reasons for your desires first thing in the morning and before bed. Motivation is always best maintained intrinsically (internally). Unleash it!

2. Failure is your success. Failure is an event. Many look at failure as validation for deep insecurities. Failure if looked at wrong can erode self-esteem, create depression, and really mess with confidence. Failure is an entry point of learning and is necessary for growth. It is all a matter of perspective.

3. Schedule your workouts like clockwork. It is easy to settle into a comfort zone (relationships, TV, internet). When this happens it is easy to skip out on taking care of your needs. Take time to take care of you. You can never help the needy of you are one of them. Try exercising at lunch or before work. You can also put a home gym together for under $500, but keep in mind there is nothing quite like the energy in bootcamp.

4. Goals should be attainable and easily definable. You can gauge and monitor your progress if you can track it. If you can track it you can improve it. Set backs are part of the process and are good feedback that you are "in the process." Expect setbacks. Learn from them and keep moving towards your goals.

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