Get Moving.
3 days of strength training and 3 days of Core & Cardio for 30 minutes should be sufficient to support health, functionality, and build strength. Keeping your body guessing is key to your success. Metabolic training is also something you need to learn about. RHF focuses on metabolic training and muscle confusion. At RHF we perform a ton of total body moves that burn a ton of calories while making you a fitness machine! If you are trying to reduce your weight substantially you can still train at RHF, but you may need to up your frequency to produce the desired results.
3 days of strength training and 3 days of Core & Cardio for 30 minutes should be sufficient to support health, functionality, and build strength. Keeping your body guessing is key to your success. Metabolic training is also something you need to learn about. RHF focuses on metabolic training and muscle confusion. At RHF we perform a ton of total body moves that burn a ton of calories while making you a fitness machine! If you are trying to reduce your weight substantially you can still train at RHF, but you may need to up your frequency to produce the desired results.
Up Your Water Intake.
Over 70% of the population is chronically dehydrated according to some studies. You should consume daily half your body weight in ounces minimum (150lb female should consume 75 ounces). Try flavoring your water with lemon or electrolytes to break the monotony. Try this trick: 8 ounces with meals, 16-20 between meals, and 12-24 ounces during
workouts (30-60 minutes).
Over 70% of the population is chronically dehydrated according to some studies. You should consume daily half your body weight in ounces minimum (150lb female should consume 75 ounces). Try flavoring your water with lemon or electrolytes to break the monotony. Try this trick: 8 ounces with meals, 16-20 between meals, and 12-24 ounces during

With Change Comes Challenge.
To get the maximum benefit from your training you need to push it to the limit. RHF often engages in max effort training to help you get faster results. This will truly challenge you to break through plateaus. This also helps you break through mental barriers.
To get the maximum benefit from your training you need to push it to the limit. RHF often engages in max effort training to help you get faster results. This will truly challenge you to break through plateaus. This also helps you break through mental barriers.
Plan Out Your Plates.
You can avoid rapid drops in blood sugar by spacing your meals 3 hours apart. Seek color, balance, and variety in your meals. Front load your calories to avoid bingeing later in the day and evening. Eat breakfast (first thing in the morning). Late night bingeing is a common problem with people who are struggling to find balance in their nutrition plan. Imbalance can wreck havoc on your metabolism and energy. Ask for help in determining your caloric needs.
You can avoid rapid drops in blood sugar by spacing your meals 3 hours apart. Seek color, balance, and variety in your meals. Front load your calories to avoid bingeing later in the day and evening. Eat breakfast (first thing in the morning). Late night bingeing is a common problem with people who are struggling to find balance in their nutrition plan. Imbalance can wreck havoc on your metabolism and energy. Ask for help in determining your caloric needs.
Time Your Nutrition to Meet Your Performance and Recovery Needs.
It is extremely important that you eat 100-200 calories before you workout (1 hour before). It is also important to consume the adequate amount of carbohydrates and protein post-workout (within 45 minutes). Ask for help in determining your performance needs.
It is extremely important that you eat 100-200 calories before you workout (1 hour before). It is also important to consume the adequate amount of carbohydrates and protein post-workout (within 45 minutes). Ask for help in determining your performance needs.
Find Compromises in the Kitchen.
Try reversing your portion sizes. Maybe eat more salad and half a sandwich (easy on the dressing) instead of the other way around. At the buffet, you should load up on produce before prancing around at the other stations. There are plenty of compromises you can make that make great sense. If in doubt, ask for help. There are tons of great ideas out there.
Kick the Convenience Foods.
Eating convenience foods derive from impulsive behavior (lack of proper planning) and then evolve into compulsive metabolic disasters. No one is immune to being tempted by convenience foods. Always look for calories, fat, AND total ingredients. Remember the rule of balance, color, and variety. Be mindful and conscious of what you put in your body. You can never go wrong with plant-based foods!
Eating convenience foods derive from impulsive behavior (lack of proper planning) and then evolve into compulsive metabolic disasters. No one is immune to being tempted by convenience foods. Always look for calories, fat, AND total ingredients. Remember the rule of balance, color, and variety. Be mindful and conscious of what you put in your body. You can never go wrong with plant-based foods!
Rest is a Weapon.
Proper rest and relaxation is a weapon. Use it to your advantage. Rejuvenating your body is VITAL to your fitness success. Rest is also a chance to give thanks to your body for all the stress that is put on it both environmentally and self-induced. Restful activities include yoga, meditation, visualization, a power nap, sleep, or anything else that calms you and levels your blood pressure. Sleep is non-negotiable. A good night's sleep is more than just revitalizing yourself for the next day. Sleep reduces frequency of colds, helps slim waistline, and strengthens your heart. Lack of sleep is linked to higher level of stress hormones that affect sugar metabolism and may raise blood pressure. Shoot for 7-9 hours each night of restful sleep.
Proper rest and relaxation is a weapon. Use it to your advantage. Rejuvenating your body is VITAL to your fitness success. Rest is also a chance to give thanks to your body for all the stress that is put on it both environmentally and self-induced. Restful activities include yoga, meditation, visualization, a power nap, sleep, or anything else that calms you and levels your blood pressure. Sleep is non-negotiable. A good night's sleep is more than just revitalizing yourself for the next day. Sleep reduces frequency of colds, helps slim waistline, and strengthens your heart. Lack of sleep is linked to higher level of stress hormones that affect sugar metabolism and may raise blood pressure. Shoot for 7-9 hours each night of restful sleep.
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